The basement of the "old church" building has been dedicated to serving our community for a number of years now. Long Branch is known as the place to go for clothing as we serve those in need. Each Friday morning, the doors of the outlet are open and those who drop in are assisted in finding clothing for themselves and their family members. This social assistance program has been a wonderful tool to not only reach out to those in our community with physical and material needs, but spiritual ones as well. The Clothing Outlet has cemented Long Branch's relationship with the Lakeshore community and different social assistance outlets in the area. If you would like to be involved with the Clothing Outlet ministry, but you cannot come out on Friday mornings, you can support us by donating any quality used clothing and household items that you no longer need. We are always looking for donations, in order to keep a steady supply of items for those in our community who need them. Please note that due to limited space, we no longer accept furniture donations. Some reflections on the Beginning of the Clothing Outlet, by Audrey Bates: It was around 1992 when the clothing outlet began. I believe the idea was formed when a member of the congregation started to collect and bring in bags of used clothes, which piled up in the old kitchen in the basement. Glenn Cordery was one of the Pastors of the church at that time, when he recognized an opportunity to open up the church once a week, for a couple of hours, to distribute the clothing to the public free of charge. He asked me if I would be willing to co-ordinate this as I was on staff part-time in Women's Ministries at the time. I was delighted and we started off for several years on tables in the gym, which meant we put the clothes out each week and afterwards packed them away in plastic bags in a cupboard. There was a large room in the basement which had pool tables and games and had been used as a drop-in-centre which seemed to have ended. As a result we were allowed to use it for the clothing even using the pool tables to put the clothes on. We got to know many individuals and opened up a friendly coffee hour on Monday mornings, using "Our Daily Bread", which developed into a Bible study from which several people came to know the Lord. It also gave me a wonderful opportunity to invite ladies new to the church to participate and also to help me, plus anyone on the outskirts of the church of the church to be pulled in. We developed as a very close group and those who are still alive are still friends today. In 2002 I asked the Lord if I could retire and I felt that the answer was 'No'. A year later I asked again and at that time it felt different. I knew I couldn't leave without a replacement. Olga Shevchenko was one of my helpers and circumstances had changed and she was able to take over and has done a wonderful job ever since. Events
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